These characters can never qualify to be considered a scrappy for whatever reason.
Note: Do not make pages for the characters on this list. You will get a warning if you do it the first time and then a block if you continue to do it.
List of Disallowed Pages
- Abby Anderson: Despite being written to be tragic and being hated by many fans of the game, Abby has fans who are willing to defend her and who say she is well written.
- Aldrich Killian: More of a Base-Breaking Character than a true scrappy. He's got some genuine fans for being very smart and suave for a corrupt businessman. Plus some people like Guy Pearce's performance.
- Amilyn Holdo: The fanbase's reaction towards Holdo's character was just as divided as opinions of The Last Jedi itself, thus making her a base-breaking character.
- Amy Hughes: While initially seeming like Amy could qualify as a scrappy due to seeming like a boring final girl, she doesn't count because Elizabeth Lail's performance improved in the final episodes of Dead of Summer when it was revealed that Amy was the killer the entire time and not the innocent final girl everyone thought she was.
- Arry and Bert: While these two do have their haters, they still have their fans as well, and from what I have seen, there does not appear to be a massive amount of hate going towards them. Also, whether they are depicted as menacing villains like they were in Season 5 or regular bullies like they were from Season 6 onwards, they were always meant to be unlikable.
- Ashley (Until Dawn): While Ashley does seem like she'd qualify to be a scrappy on paper, due to her cowardice, her reaction to Emily getting bit by a Wendigo, leaving Chris to die should he shoot her at the end of chapter 6 and her honesty meter going down when the player picks the sympathetic options, Ashley still has enough of a fanbase who find her to be kind, compassionate and sweet.
- Ashley Graham (RE4 Remake): Unlike the original version of Ashley, the remake won fans over due to Ashley being far less bratty and dependent on Leon than she was in the original version of Resident Evil 4 from 2005 as well as being far more proactive in the game's plot, thus making her rescued in the eyes of the fanbase.
- Aspheera: While criticized for being a bland and annoying villain in Season 11, many liked her role as a comic relief villain in Season 15.
- Barney the Dinosaur: While he was hated, most of the hatred came from people outside the target demographic.
- Beelzebub (Genshin Impact): Too much of a base breaking character to count here
- Bella Swan: Though the character is often cited as being one of the worst aspects of the Twilight trilogy, some fans of the series (both ironic and unironic) didn't really dislike her until Breaking Dawn. Others see her as a relatable protagonist.
- Black Doom: There are people who are excited that Black Doom will be returning in Sonic x Shadow, and it seems to be quite liked a lot of people too.
- Bobby (Super Mario-kun): There is barely any hate against this character.
- C-Pen: Most of the reasons he’s disliked are him being evil, which seems intentional.
- Caillou: While he’s hated a lot, much of the hatred comes from people that don’t like the show to begin with. And he’s liked by some fans of the show.
- Captain Marvel (MCU): Captain Marvel is a controversial base-breaking character who has as many defenders as she does detractors.
- Carly Brooks-Spencer: While many fans of the Michael Bay Transformers films expressed their frustration about Carly replacing Mikaela and because, as a character, she barely does anything, Carly also has a sizeable fanbase who prefer her to Mikaela due to how nice and supportive she is towards Sam.
- Cassie Lang (Marvel Cinematic Universe): She is only disliked for her portrayal in "Quantumania", but is otherwise a beloved character.
- Chloé Bourgeois: While she did end up being hated for other reasons that the creators of The Miraculous Ladybug intended her to be, Chloé still has enough of a fanbase that she can't qualify to be a scrappy.
- Chloe Price: Because opinions on whether people like or hate Chloe are divided in the Life Is Strange fanbase, Chloe can't qualify to be a scrappy due to having just as many defenders as she does detractors.
- Chris Thorndyke: While Chris started out as a universally a scrappy, he eventually got rescued in season 3 due to the improved writing as well as acting more mature.
- Chuck Clayton: While many fans despise how the show took one of the nicest characters in the comics (as well as the Archie comics' first black character) and turned him into a slut-shaming jackass, the reception towards his character improved when he reappeared in season 2 where he was portrayed a bit more sympathetically.
- Dani Phantom: Her character got rescued in the episode "D-Stabilized", which helped portray her character and her backstory in a bit more of sympathetic light.
- Darcy Lewis: While Darcy went from controversial Base-Breaking character to Scrappy in Thor: The Dark World, the reception towards her character began to improve in WandaVision due to her witty observations and due to being the one of the only ones to figure out what was happening, even before S.W.O.R.D. realized what was going on.
- Dawn Summmer: Dawn initially qualified to be a scrappy in seasons 5 and 6, but her character development in season 7, which included contributing more to the group and having far less damsel in distress moments, rescued Dawn in the eyes of the Buffy fandom (even among the fans who disliked season 7) thus disqualifying her from being a scrappy.
- The Deadly Six: Although they were heavily regarded as poorly written villains during their debut, especially Zavok, they are generally considered better written villains in the IDW comics, which are considered canon to the mainline titles.
- Donald Trump (SuperMarioLogan): Not a scrappy, since a lot of people find the depiction of the character to be enjoyable.
- Dora the Explorer: While the character does have a vocal hatedom, she is primarily hated by people outside of her show's demographic, and is otherwise a widely cherished character.
- Emma Duval: While many people despise her for being a bland, boring and stereotypical character with poor communications skills with the fans preferring so many other female teen characters over her, there are a number of fans who also view Emma as a sympathetic albeit flawed protagonist who's doing what she can to make the best of a horrible situation, thus making her a controversial base-breaking character who can't qualify to be a scrappy.
- Felicity Smoak (Arrowverse): She used to qualify as a scrappy, but the audience's reception towards her began to improve during season 7 and many fans were happy to see her have her happy ending with Oliver, thus disqualify her from this wiki.
- Gargoyles (The Hunchback of Notre Dame): While they are often cited as the worst part of the movie, with the sole exception of Hugo, the Gargoyles also have dedicated fans.
- Goldie (The Golden Touch): He's way more of a base-breaker, as some viewers find him hilarious and don't have a problem with his voice at all.
- Grace Gardiner: While the reception towards her character in Scream Queens was more divisive than it was outright hatred, Grace began to won quite a few of the audience over in episodes 7 and 8 when she became a bit more relevant to the plot and where many people thought she could be the killer.
- Hiyoko Saionji: Originally she had a page here that has since been deleted because of her popularity in Japan, making her a base breaking character instead.
- Im Hwa Su: It's very clear that 9 out of 10 cases like this guy were meant to be hated, especially considering that there is no indication why he was written to be liked by the creators.
- Infinite: While generally agreed to be missed potential he still has quite a large fan base with some liking how overly edgy he is and having people who find his backstory a little sympathetic.
- Jake (Free Birds): Has too many fans to qualify due to his famous "We're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu. That's right!" line, the most famous and quotable line from the movie, and is also well-liked outside of that line.
- Jar Jar Binks: While he’s hated in The Phantom Menace, The Clone Wars series made him a likable character.
- Jasper (Family Guy): While considered an offensive gay stereotype to some, many fans enjoy his lovable personality.
- Jeffy (SuperMarioLogan): He's too divisive of a character, as while a lot of people hate his antics, with some people even feeling he ruined the entire franchise, there is also a lot of people who find his antics funny and really like him as a character.
- Jeffery Fecalman: While the character is commonly criticized for how insensitive his portrayal of abuse was, this was the intended reaction towards the character.
- Jeff the Killer (2011 Creepypasta): Despite the character's massive hatebase, he still has some fans who view him as one of the most iconic creepypastas.
- Johnny Test: He is too base-breaking to count, as a sizeable number of people see him as a woobie due to his overbearing father.
- Joseph Hisfriendfromschool: Joseph has a very vocal fanbase who enjoys his sarcastic comments and tragic backstory, especially in recent videos where he’s started objecting to Junior more and showing a different personality.
- Kunikazu Okumura: Not really enough evidence to show he is really hated enough to qualify as the Scrappy. Even through there are many fans that feel that he "had it coming", the narrative gave him too much sympathy.
- Karen Page (Marvel Cinematic Universe): Season 2 of Daredevil rescued her character in the eyes of the audience due to Karen being willing to researching the danger she's about to jump into, unlike in season 1 where she blindly jumped into the action.
- Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani: While she could’ve easily counted as a scrappy in the first two games for attempting to ruin Shepard’s career, her status gets subverted in the third game due to being genuinely distressed regarding the fate of earth if Shepard takes the paragon route.
- Kieran Wilcox: The fans thought that him being the accomplice killer to Piper Shaw was enough to rescue his character from being a scrappy, if only because Kieran starts developing a personality.
- Lex Luthor (DCEU): Is a base breaking character who has many fans and people who liked him.
- Mami Namani: While she use to be a scrappy, she later became a character people more find fun to hate and her backstory reveal was what made more people not consider her a scrappy anymore.
- Marcus and Roger's Parents: Everything listed sounds like they are intentionally hateable.
- Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Man Films): The fanbase is split on what to think regarding MJ. While some of the fans think she's a whiny and hypocritical damsel in distress who's willing to cheat on her romantic partners, she also has a significant fanbase who think of her as a complex person who's struggling to cope with the problems of her childhood and think that her reasons for being angry at Peter in the second film were justified.
- Master King Koco: The hate surrounding the character has more to do with his challenge, rather than the character itself.
- Meg Thrombey: While Meg comes close to being a scrappy due to her betrayal of Marta by revealing that she was undocumented and for refusing to back up her social justice activism when her money was on the line, she's a controversial base-breaking character because there are some people who unintentionally sympathize with Meg arguing that she didn't know about her money until her mother told her, was initially willing to honor Harlan's will by letting Marta keep the money, and only betrayed Marta due to pressure from the rest of her family.
- Mewtwo (Death Battle): Reasons for why he qualified as a scrappy felt too brief and Shadow from that episode fit the bill far more.
- Miles "Tails" Prowers (Sonic Lost Worlds): It is the same Tails from the main series, not an entirely different incarnation from a different continuity. Also, this Tails has way too big of a fanbase to be a Scrappy, and fans only hate his portrayal, not Tails as a whole character. The Sonic the Hedgehog game series along with the IDW comics, is still ongoing and Tails got rescued from the scrappy heap from Sonic Frontiers onwards, since Lost World and Forces amounted to his character growth and is becoming more actively relevant and the canon does not treat this Tails like a separate character. This is not Loathsome Characters Wiki.
- Minions (The Minions): While they have plenty of detractors, the Minions also have plenty of defenders.
- Minnie Mouse (Tal On): Not even written badly. Also, the reasons why people hate her are written more like hate sink than scrappy.
- Misa Amane: Has too large of a fanbase to count.
- Mr. Freeze (Batman and Robin): His corny jokes and acting became a "so bad it's good" situation, so he is ironically liked for being poorly written.
- Mr. Goodman: Character is internationally made to be unlikeable, but still found funny by sounds.
- Nancy (Tom and Jerry): Her actions make her seem more like she was purposely written to be unlikeable.
- Near: The Death Note fanbase is divided as to whether Near is a replacement scrappy for L and flat character, or a worthy successor replacement for L who uses his deduction skills to finally put an end to the Kira case.
- Patrick Star: Though his characterization in certain episodes of the show are widely criticized, the character overall is still beloved, especially in earlier appearances. He is also base-breaking at worst in later episodes.
- Peaches: She got rescued from the scrappy heap in the fifth film where her personality went beyond a stereotypical bratty teenager, and into someone who has her own identity and ended up climbing into the base-breaking territory.
- Prince Hans: While the character does have a lot of haters, he also has dedicated fans. Some even believe him to be one of the best Disney villains, citing him as an excellent depiction of a manipulative sociopath.
- Rey Palpatine: She is too base-breaking to count. Despite the backlash the character had received for being a "Mary Sue", she still has dedicated fans.
- Rose Tico: Has enough of a fanbase to not qualify.
- Sakura Haruno: While she has had a lot of criticism, she does have a fanbase. Plus, opinions have changed, since Sakura’s flaws are seen as Kishimoto’s mistakes at writing female characters.
- Seryu Ubiquitous: Has too many fans to qualify.
- Scar (2019): While he’s still criticized for losing his entertaining qualities compared to his Disney original self, many people praised Scar's remake incarnation as being more frightening than the original.
- Shadow Man (Hello Neighbor): Whilst the game was ultimately hated, the Shadow Man did not receive much attention, be it positive or negative from the fans, and thus cannot count.
- Silver (The Angry Birds Movie 2): Not a scrappy, the fans are too big in number for her to be on here, plus the haters are not fans of The Angry Birds Movie duology to begin with.
- Sonic the Hedgehog: All versions of the character are only base-breaking at worst, as some people feel that the more cocky versions of the character have more depth and personality in comparison to others.
- Tangle the Lemur: Though the character is deemed by some as a replacement scrappy of Sally Acorn, those that deem her as such are often times not fans of the IDW comics to begin with.
- Thorfinn (Prologue Arc): While many fans disliked the character for his angst and blind revenge, the general reaction to his character is rathed mixed, as the majority of the fandom concedes that his writing makes up for it, effectively qualifying him as a base-breaking character.
- Uncle Frank: The character is too base-breaking to count, thanks in part to scenes where he is portrayed as the butt of a joke.
- Veruca Salt: Though the character was written to be sympathetic despite her bad actions and has her fair share of haters, she is one of the most beloved characters in the franchise.
- Wesley Roarke: While started as a scrappy, later becomes a butt monkey by the author in the same continuity. Also didn’t have a large enough fanbase for a fanon series.
- Whitney (Pokemon): While Whitney comes close to being a scrappy due to the infamous boss fight against her involving her Miltank and her acting like a spoiled brat once you defeat her, refusing to give you a gym badge, she still doesn't qualify as there are a few people who like her and think that she's adorable.
- Yokai: While there are quite a few people who hate him he still has a lot of fans and became more well-liked after the TV Series.
- Zenitsu Agatsuma: While he has received criticism from the Demon Slayer fanbase for his annoying, cowardly, and whiny personality, he is a still well-written character with several fans and is thus too well-received to count.
- Zorthenport: The Majority of people unironically enjoy him in "so bad its good" way, and comes off as unintentionally comedic, and thus cannot count
Disallowed Genres
- Any pornographic/erotic works: Due to their very niche audiences, it would be impossible to pinpoint who in these works classify as a "scrappy" due to criticism primarily coming from outside of their intended audience.
- Any pre-school oriented programs: As these programs are primarily targeted towards an audience of very young children, that naturally means that any character with vocal hatedoms comes from outside of their intended audience.
- Reality TV Game Shows: Even though there are several contestants from shows such as Survivor and Hell's Kitchen that the fanbase truly despise (to the point where the editors highlight these contestant's most hateable qualities), these contestants do not qualify due to them being real people and not fictional characters.
Disallowed Franchises
- A Serbian Film: The entire film is intentionally over-the-top gory and gross preventing anyone from being hated for unintentional reasons
- Boku No Pico: While the show itself is heavily criticized for its content, since the show is a shotacon, every character in the show is hated by people outside of the series' demographic.
- Breaking Bad: Breaking Bad doesn't have any unintentionally disliked characters. The most detestable characters were intentionally written to be hated.
- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: There were no terribly written characters in the Demon Slayer. Also, The most detestable demons (Muzan, Doma, Hantengu, Enmu, Gyokko, Kaigaku and Snake Demon) are either base-breaking characters or purposely written to be hated.
- Disventure Camp: Most of the unpopular or disliked characters are either not hated, just not really discussed about or base-breaking characters at worst.
- Garten of Banban: Though the game is unanimously hated, no one has a vocal enough hatedom to count.
- Gravity Falls: There are no terribly written characters in the franchise. The most hated characters are either base-breaking characters or intended to be hated.
- Happy Sugar Life: Most of the detestable characters are either hate sinks or controversial base-breaking characters.
- Hellverse: Most of the characters who are hated were written to be hated, or divisive at worst. And with St. Peter being the least popular character, he doesn't even have enough detractors to qualify.
- The Patrick Star Show: Every character in the show that used to be considered a Scrappy are considerably more well-received by the second half of the first season.
- The Owl House: Many characters are either fairly liked, used to be heavily or mostly disliked but were rescued from the Scrappy heap, or are divisive at worst. And the most despised character is a Hate Sink who is being hated as intended (Odalia Blight).
- Tomorrow’s Pioneers: The series is far too offensive to be on Fandom, and is partially lost for said reason, plus. The show has no fanbase, so nobody stands out to be a Scrappy.
- Any of the works by Waita Uziga: Every single work made by the mangaka is strictly made to be shocking, making all characters either a victim or a Hate Sink. Additionally, all of the most detestable characters from said works are disliked as intended.
- Where the Dead Go to Die: The movie was made purely for shock value, and the most detestable characters are Hate Sinks who are hated as intended.