The Scrappy Wiki

Hey! Listen!
~ Navi

Navi is a major character in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

What Makes Her a Scrappy?[]

  • Navi is arguably the face of the annoying helper NPC trope in video games, among the likes of Omochao, as the character was given to Link as a means of assisting him on his quest. However, her means of "helping" Link primarily involves shouting "Hey" and "Listen" to him repeatedly in a high-pitched voice when the player comes off the designated path. This essentially means that the game can accidentally berate the player for choosing to explore the world while putting the designated missions aside.
  • Navi serves little to no purpose to the game's actual story, which perplexed players as to why she was even included in the first place, or why Link would risk himself to save her.
  • The criticism towards the character was so vocal that in the game's sequel; Tatl, the game's counterpart to Navi, was given much more importance to the game's story, and the annoying "Hey" and "Listen" sounds have been replaced with a far less intrusive bell sound.
    • Even the creator, Shigeru Miyamoto admitted that he isn't very fond of Navi himself and considers her the weakest point of the game, stating that she is left at a stupid level since the team couldn't come up with a good hint system that would help players regardless of skill level. The reason why he didn't remove her was because it would have done even more harm than good if the players were left with no hints in the game at all.


  • She and Faron are the only The Legend of Zelda Scrappies to be female.
  • She is the icon of the Stub template of this wiki.


           The Legend of Zelda Logo Scrappies

Main Series
Navi | Mido | Kaepora Gaebora | Scrapper | Faron | Cucco Girl

Other Media

Jenna Silverblade
