- Aang (The Last Airbender)
- Abbot Frollo
- Abby the Koala
- Abraham Tower
- Ace Savvy Convention Judges
- Adam (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Adam Malkovich
- Albert (Genshin Impact)
- Alfonzo and Ferguson
- Alfrid Lickspittle
- Allegro
- Allen Gregory
- Allyson Nelson
- Amanda Kirby
- Amber Bennett
- Amy (Dhar Mann)
- Amy Duncan
- André Glacier
- Ani Achola
- Anissa
- Apocalypse (X-Men Movies)
- Arcade
- Aristotle Means
- Arty (FNAF)
- Ash Ketchum (PETA)
- Ash Mongoose
- Ashley Graham
- Astrid (Radiant Dawn)
- Atmos
- Audrey Timmons
- Ava (Borderlands)
- Awesome Possum
- Baby Rosalina
- Baby Shelby
- Bacon Bill
- Badger (The Walking Dead)
- Baek Jun Ki
- Balloon Boy (Five Nights at Freddy's)
- Bane (Batman and Robin)
- Barry and Bob
- Batman (All Star Batman & Robin)
- Batman (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Becky
- Bendy
- Benjamin Woodman
- Big Candy
- Billy (Thomas and Friends)
- Bio-Broly
- Black Noir
- Black Zetsu
- Blackbeard (Pirates of the Caribbean)
- Blake Belladonna (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Blake Myers (Get Blake)
- Bleeders
- Blunck and Raggmunk
- Bobby Dagen
- Bonnie (The Walking Dead)
- Bowser Koopa I (The Koopa Kids)
- Brainiac (Arkhamverse)
- Brian Crown
- Brooke (Ice Age)
- Bubba the Cave Duck
- Bubsy
- Buck (Home on the Range)
- Buck Cluck
- Buck Masters
- Buddy (Looney Tunes)
- Bumblebee (RID 2015)
- Bunga
- Buzz (The Loud House)
- Buzz Lightyear (Brawl Stars)
- Buzzy the Crow
- Byrdie The Duck (Marvel What if…? Season 3)
- Candy Kong (TV series)
- Candy Smalls
- Carl The Ape Man
- Casey Ford
- Cassandra Cain (DC Extended Universe)
- CatDog (Kidrobot)
- Century Egg and Tiger God
- Cesar Catalina
- Chameleon (Kung Fu Panda)
- Chase Young (Xiaolin Chronicles)
- Chip Cookie
- Chloe Carmichael
- Chōchō Akimichi
- Circus Baby (Namygaga)
- Clench
- Clippy
- Clone Force 99 (Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga)
- Coconut Fred
- Cody Maverick (Surf's Up 2: WaveMania)
- Colin Hauser
- Conway Twitty (Family Guy)
- Craig Wheeler
- Crash and Eddie
- Creeper (The Black Cauldron)
- Crying Sans
- Cutsman
- D'Vorah
- Daffy Duck (1960s)
- Damian Wayne (Injustice)
- Daphne Blake (Velma)
- Dar-Benn (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Dark Nebula
- Dave (Total Drama)
- Davey Stone
- Deadpool
- Deadpool (Ultimate Marvel)
- Deadpool (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
- Deadshot (Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League)
- Dean Holbrook
- Deangelo Vickers
- Delphine (Elder Scrolls)
- Delphini
- Demon (Slippin' Jimmy)
- Depresso
- Derek Clifford Simmons
- Dewey Donedidit
- Dex Dogtective
- Diego Torres
- Doc
- Doctor Light (Post-Crisis)
- Doran Martell (Game of Thrones)
- Dr. Yung
- Drago Wolf
- Duck Hunt Dog
- Duckie (Go! Go! Moba Boy!)
- Dude Monkey
- Duke of Soleanna
- Dulcy
- Durza (20th Century Studios)
- Dweller-in-Darkness (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Ebo Odom
- Eddie (Game of Thrones)
- El Chupacabra
- Elgar'nan
- Eltariel
- Enigma and Paradigma
- Ethan
- Ethan (Ctrl Alt Del the animated series)
- Ethan (Ice Age)
- Euron Greyjoy (Game of Thrones)
- Eve (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Faba (Pokémon Anime)
- Faron (Skyward Sword)
- Father Karras
- Fay Wishbone
- Fei Long (FEI LONG Offensive and Defensive Path)
- Flame Hyenard
- Flash Sentry
- Flim-Flam
- Flynn (Thomas and Friends)
- Francesca Pianta
- Frank DeTorre
- Freddy Krueger (2010)
- Frederick T. Nitpick
- G (Xenoblade Chronicles)
- Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in
- Gabby (Gulliver's Travels)
- Galactus (Storyverse)
- Garon (Fire Emblem)
- General Barkov
- General Budo
- General Dreykov
- General Shepherd (Reboot)
- Geoffrey St. John (Ken Penders)
- Geraldine Grundy
- Giant Condor
- Giant Locusts
- Gil Gunderson
- Gilbert Pronislav
- Gleeber and Lunk
- Glow Squids
- Go Min-ho
- Goda
- Godspeed (Arrowverse)
- Goku (Dragonball Evolution)
- Goldie (Santa Inc)
- Goliath (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Goofball John McGee
- Gotenks
- Goth (Nerd and Jock AU)
- Greg Banks
- Greg Heffley (The Long Haul)
- Greg Reed
- Griffin (Red Zone Cuba)
- Gromit (The Lenny Henry Christmas Show)
- Grumpella
- HaikuBot
- Hank Huckerdoo
- Hannibal Roy Bean
- Happy Rabbit
- Harry (Total Recall 2012)
- Harvey Dent (Gotham by Gaslight)
- Heimler
- Herman
- Hermann Freisinger
- Hi-5
- Hickfield
- Hifumi Yamada
- Hody Jones
- Hsu Hao
- Hua Mulan (Live Action)
- HulkKing
- Human Torch (2015)
- Icardi
- Ichiko Ohya
- Ichiro Miki
- Iggy (Hey Arnold!)
- Ironheart (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Jace Turner
- Jafar (2019)
- Jake and Quinn's Dad
- Janis Ian
- Jared Shapiro
- Jasper Batt, Jr.
- Jaxxon
- Jean Armstrong
- Jeannie
- Jeff Denlon
- Jeffrey Dahmer (Netflix)
- Jenna Silverblade
- Jenny Silverback
- Jimmy McGill (Slippin' Jimmy)
- Jin Kariya
- Jingle Jim
- John Coleman
- John Rolfe
- Johnny Punk
- Joker
- Joker (DC Extended Universe)
- Joker (Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League)
- Joy (Inside the Mind)
- Julie Brecht
- Juniper Montage
- Kaepora Gaebora
- Kaguya Ōtsutsuki
- Kai Leng
- Kamizuru Clan
- Kaname Ohgi
- Kanon Nakajima
- Kaori
- Karin
- Katie Ka-Boom
- Kazu Gamble
- Kazuharu Fukuyama
- Kazuo Tengan
- Keiko Morita
- Ken Morgan
- Kennedy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Kersti
- Kevin Shepherd
- Kibidango
- Kiddy Kong
- Kiki (12 oz. Mouse)
- Kim Cressly
- King Caesar
- King Calliope
- King Midas (The Golden Touch)
- King Oskar
- King Stefan (Maleficent)
- Kirino Kousaka
- Kobra
- Koopa Koot
- Kris Waterson
- Kronika
- Krymzo
- Kyohei Jingu
- Kyururu
- L
- L (Death Note 2017)
- L (Xenoblade Chronicles)
- Lady Gaga (The Simpsons)
- Lance Amano
- Lauren Paups
- Lavender
- Leonard (Total Drama)
- Leonardo (The Next Mutation)
- Lewis Dodgson
- Life Size Buddy the Elf
- Life Size Michael Myers (2020)
- Light Turner
- Lo Chin-fu
- Locke the Echidna
- Loofah and Doofah
- Lord Royal Highness
- Lord of Games
- Lori (Total Recall 2012)
- Lori Morning
- Lost dream
- Louise Halevy
- M.O.D.O.K. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Madame Web (Sony's Spider-Man Universe)
- Madchen
- Maggie O'Donnell
- Magneto (Ultimate Marvel)
- Mal (Total Drama)
- Malekith the Accursed
- Mandy Anders
- Manny Heffley
- Marco Pasternak (Slippin' Jimmy)
- Mario (Super Mario Bros. 1993 Film)
- Mark, Kelly and Scott
- Mark Blaine
- Mart Mattin
- Martin Heiss
- Mary Junson
- Max Mercer
- Mayor Saunders
- Mayor Scuttlebutt
- Mayor of Metro City (Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate)
- Meat (Mortal Kombat)
- Meebur Gascon
- Megamind (Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate)
- Melisandre (Game of Thrones)
- Melissa Duck
- Melissa Duck (Muscle Tussle)
- Melissa Duck (The Super Snooper)
- Menasor (Prime Wars Trilogy)
- Merraid Oarburgh
- Mewtwo (Genesect and the Legend Awakened)
- Michael Dawson
- Mickey & Jay
- Mido
- Mika Milovana
- Mikey Tyson
- Millie Burtonburger
- Minilla (All Monsters Attack)
- Minoru Mineta
- Mister Brownstone
- Mitsuhiro Higa
- Monophanie
- Monty de la Cruz
- Morrigan Aensland (UDON)
- Morticians Club
- Most Wanted Drivers (2012)
- Mouse (Canned Feud)
- Moxy (UglyDolls)
- Mr.
- Mr. Birchum
- Mr. Caraway
- Mr. Fantastic (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness)